
The New York University College of Dentistry (NYUCD) is one of the United States’ most storied dental schools. It is also the nation’s leading educator of dentists (8% of new dentists in the U.S. each year are NYUCD graduates) and boasts diverse programs in pre- and postdoctoral dental medicine with approximately 1,900 enrollees from 41 countries. In addition, many professionals return to NYUCD for Continuing Education. Over 735 clinicians and researchers (both full and part-time), many of whom have made groundbreaking discoveries in the treatment of such illnesses as oral cancer, osteoporosis, and HIV, lead courses in prosthodontics, periodontics, implant dentistry, pediatric dentistry, endontics, and oral/maxillofacial surgery.

For NYUCD, Aurora-DentalResident, Stottler Henke’s AI-Based Intelligent Planning & Scheduling software, is being used to create dental student schedules, including planning and scheduling which students take what courses and accounting for when rotation occurs.